Super giveaway!
I adore cats… But you know that already! For that reason, on the occasion of International Cat Day, my pussy cat Towanda and I celebrated it with a super giveaway!
From 08/09/2022 and 22/09/2022 we were giving away 10 packs of different products through different channels, where we had 10 different winners. Are you one of them?
Don’t miss it, meow! 😻
Winner: Blanca Carratalá Sánchez
Winner: Sylvie
Winner: Enas
Winner: Wan Chung
· #AnekkeLovers GIVEAWAY ·
Someofmyfavouritephotos are thosethatyousend me ofyourAnekkeproductswithyourcats… Towandasallaroundtheworld! ❤️
So, betweenallthephotostakenusingthe hashtag #anekkelovestowanda thewinner has been@amparofenollarwiththispicture:
Winner: @amparofenollar
Thanks to all for participate! 🍀
When participants send their entries in for the giveaway it is assumed that they accept its terms and conditions. You can read them here.