cinch bagIf you are looking for an extra handy backpack that always adapts to whatever you need, this Anekke Iceland cinch bag is perfect!
Its lovely design combines two different patterns, one on the front and another one on the back, so you can decide which side you want to show off. Choose everyday! It is made of light and flexible fabric, so it is ideal to use when you are training, to put your things in, when you go for a walk, travelling... It has two thin cotton drawstring straps that you pull to close it.
It is a model that meets all your needs, because it weighs hardly anything, you can put lots of things in it and what is more, it is gorgeous. Don't miss out on yours!
AdventurersBackpacksFW21ICELANDLast unitsOther collectionsSalesUp to 44£AventurerasBackpacksCNFW21IcelandMochilas y SacosOther collectionsUltimas unidadesIceland2021-10-21T09:21:36Z